Monday, May 9, 2011

architecture preview

shapes-this building doesn't have straight edges and has an interesting shape for  a building
light-light works well with this photo and makes a reflection in the windows and on the water.

details-this gargoyle is a detail that makes this building and the apparent corrosion shows how old the building is.

patterns-everything in this building is symmetrical and there are patterns with the windows

setting-this building sticks out tremendously in this setting because its so much taller than all the others around it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

action shoot

I didnt have any good panning photos because i gave the camera to the next person so everyone could shoot

Monday, April 25, 2011


burj al arab
architect-tom wright
when was it built-construction began in 1994
where is it located-dubai
is it a private building-you cannot enter without a reservation
cost to build-650 million
reason-its a hotel
why did i pick this-
the burj al arab is called the worlds"only 7 star hotel".this hotel is the second tallest in the world yet it only has 208 rooms. the average cost for a room is 8000 dollars a night..this interests me because it is so unique in many ways and is truly a one of a kind.
National Centre for the Performing Arts
architect-paul andreau
when was it built-2007
private building-its a theatre
cost to build-3.2 billion yen
reason-a theatre,opera house,and concert building

Thursday, April 14, 2011

caption rules

ffa student ian loyd is exercising his goat to prepare it for competition.akins' ffa chapter did well in competition and ians goat was the pride of the competition
leading lines of the gate
mergers with the gate

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


akins senior,courtney jackson patiently waiting for the varsity football game at burger stadium to begin.
the eagles did not win unfortunately and suffered an 82-0 loss by the bowie bulldogs

 eagles sophmore, Brandon Watsin, goes up for a free throw during the game against westlake.The eagles emerged victorious securing their number 3 spot in district play
there is a merger in this photo which is his teammates left arm sticking out from behnd

woodsy the owl visiting mr.tambungas biology class for the day.every student got a chance to hold woodsy and take a picture with him.

you czan use the lines of the glove to lead to woodsy

Friday, April 8, 2011

spring prompt

Add caption


africa black and white

i think that his photos are powerful and do these creatures' beauty justice
my favorite photo is of the male lion looking to the left with hi face in the wind
he uses a film pentax 67ii camera with only two fixed lenses
he wants to show the animals in their state of being
he wants to save the animals in trouble

Thursday, April 7, 2011

5ws 1h assignment

1)who-aisd board
what-budget forum
when-march 30,2011
where-bowie hs
why-to discuss next years public school budget
how-i think that its ridiculous that the supposed most powerful country in the world is struggling for money and i know that the main reason that we dont have enough money for our district is because we make our money on taxes and a good portion of texas' population does not in fact pay but they still receive things for free that are payed for by the taxes they dont pay i think that there needs to be something done before we completely collapse and we arent very far at all at this point its steadily worsening

2)who-randy velarde
what-testifies against former teammate barry bonds
when-trial in progress
where-san francisco
why-steroids are illegal
how-organized by the prosecutors and mlb

3)who-japanese evacuees
what-cant return home for months
when-post tsunami/earthquake
why-natural disaster
how-radiation cusing life near the japanese power plant impossible for a while

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

assignment 2

1)what is your name
2)how do you maintain grades
3)are you an athlete
4)what academy are you in
5)what is your major
6)what career path do you wish to chose
7)do you plan to go to college
8)what college do you want to go to
9)what degree do you want to earn
10)are your parents an influence on you
11)do they affect your choices about your career and college
12)have you always been a good student
13)what is your key to sucess
14)do you like school
15)how much homework a day do you do
16)what sports are you in
17)which teachers have affected you positively the most
18)do you have any advice for freshmen
19)what do you tink is your strong point
1)angela oates
2)focus and practice
4)soacial services
5)human services
8)texas state
9)psycology major
13)thinking positively
18)stay positive and dont let others bring you down
20)english history chemistry
3fixed)are you an athete if so how does it affect school
10fixed)how are your parents an influence on you
14fixed)what is your favorite part of school

Friday, March 25, 2011

assignment 1

 assignment 1
1)principles,board members, and teachers
1:what is the main reason for these uniforms
2:are you personally for or against them
3:does this have anything to do with gang relations
4:who proposed the idea
5:is this permanent or temporary
5:what if the students refuse to wear them
6:are any other rules also going in effect
7:when will this rule go in effect
8:what will the dress code be
9:how do you think it will affect our performance
10:do you think it will affect our performance at all
11:how long has this new rule been in question
12:will it be strictly enforced
13:will there be days with no uniform
14:do you think it will help as far as fighting in school
15:will there be rules about accesories

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

touching people

1)I think that this project is creative and very unique. Most photos with strangers don't involve touching one another but this photographer decided to see how far he could take these people. One thing that was interesting is that most of the people in the shoot were very friendly looking and seemed very comfortable with each other which today, is rare.
2) My first instinct would be to consider the idea. I would analyze the photographer to see if he was serious and if he explained to me what it was about i might agree to it.
3) I think an interesting shoot would be to take two different parents with infants and have them switch babies in the photo.
4)The photographer used of lots of leading lines in his photos with park benches,beaches, and tree lines etc..He did his best to create a simple  background to not draw attention but, in some places it was easier said than done so he focused on the subject and blurred the background. some pictures he took had unavoidable mergers but in a few pictures he could have done a better job dealing with them.overall, most of these portraits are good photos and convey the subject well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Japan earthquake

This photo shows the magnitude of this disaster and the true power of mother nature.Its sad that this person probably wont get a proper burial and these peoples' families could lack closure or be sad that their loved one couldn't receive one because there are so many others that dies alongside their loved one. the photographer used an interesting viewpoint and used the lines of the road to bring attention to the subject and create balance.

This shows how much absolute destruction the people of japan have to see around their own homes. The owner of this building may not be able to get this boat off of it and their livelihood could rely on it and that puts people out of jobs and even more out of homes. the photographer used another elevated viewpoint but this photo probably needed a helicopter to get this elevation.

This shows how lonely these poor people are feeling right now. hundreds of children where orphaned by this disaster and many people have yet to even been found.being an island japan is always isolated but after this many people cant get to japan because the airports are underwater. this photo used the lines of the road to lead you to the girl sitting down.and they created depth in the ruble behind her.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

at&t adds

 This add from at&t was my favorite. I like how it uses the myan pyramids and architecture to portray mexico.Its cool how the body paint is so precise the artist even uses shades and not just solid colors of gray. I like how precise the hand models are in the photo because it really shows the formation in good detail.This could influence me to buy from at and t because it shows that they take pride in their business and most likely will offer good sevice.

Monday, February 14, 2011

elements of yearbooks and notes

coverage of events
credit to photographers in the photo

seperate peice made made out of cardboard
cover is done early commonly finished in october
rest is mid march
"cy the bobcat legacy" it shows something with the mascot and the year
the volume number
the theme is always on the cover
some dont have a defined theme but a design with photos

generalized table of contents
called insheets
thicker paper
theme like the cover
there are quotes from students in pale letters goina across the entire page in a diagnal pattern and it says legacy and 2008-2009
also due early

 first page
it says cy fair 2008-2009 the location of the school the phone numberthe number of students and teachers and the website adress

spread-two pages side by side that work together
in the first spread the yearbook staff ask students what kind of legacy they want to leave at cy fair and each student has a photo

divider page - divide sections from each other
it has a title in large letters showing what the section is

on the last two pages it is like the front where the outside page is blank and the inside is a dedication to seniors
there is a colophon
a special thanks section

back of book:
band group photo
club photos

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

portrait and self prortrait tips and ideas pt 2

I like this casual portrait a lot. The photographer has a fairly quiet background and you don't easily lose focus.

I like this casual portrait a little bit more. It may be better without the leaf falling in front of the camera but at least its out of focus. I like how the lines of the bridge work to create focus on the subject. Although at some points it creates a merger.
This is my favorite self portrait. I like how you can see his reflection in two of these spherical objects and not just the one.Its cool how the natural color of the ball puts an effect on the reflection like how on the right he's greenish. Overall, this is a cool photo and i would have to call it the better of the two,

This is my second favorite self portrait.Its interesting how the trees are so perfect that their trunks act as lines leading to the subject. The dress is a bright color which contrasts well against the somewhat gloomy background.
This is my first environmental portrait. I liked how it depicted the engineer realistically in his work environment. i like how the photo is focused on him and the background is out of focus to eliminate distractions.

This is my second environmental portrait.I find the sky behind him interesting with the way the blues almost form a place around him.I think how the water and the rocks look in the sun is also really cool.

              In my photo i am going to use a casual portrait style. I want to take a photo of my friend Heitzel Alvarenga and she me. i was thinking maybe where she peers over the railing from the second floor of the hallway and i shoot her using the lines to lead to her but i am sure we will find other places to shoot. I would like to take a photo where if i cant make a simple background i could make one where its fairly symetrical on both sides of the subject. Since this is a magazine i dont think i want to use the rule of thirds but rather put my subject in the center to allow room for a title and other things like a short insight and a border.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

top 40 magazine covers


  This LIFE special edition To the Moon and Back chronicles the first moon landing, brought about by the courage of the Apollo 11 astronauts and the thousands of people who supported their mission. On the magazine cover is a picture of Buzz Aldrin, taken by fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong. Along with color photographs of this historic walk on the moon, there are biographical sketches of Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. There is also a history of manned space exploration from the first single orbit around the earth orbit to the launch of Apollo 11.

      Several factors of this photo interest me.The most interesting is how it shows a reflection of the landing module and another astronaut in his visor.The photographer used the rule of thirds to place his head in the upper right corner of the photo to bring a lot of atention to the reflection almost like a second photo inside another. Because in space there is no night or day the photographer succesfully used a quiet background f part of the moons surface and just darkness not to distract..But overall i like this photo the best because it is both interesting and the photographer utilized strong skills.

Monday, January 31, 2011

magazine cover types

cover types
1)early magazine covers:often used paintings rather photos
2)the poster cover:very few words not designed to wor with photo,photo is dominant peice,very visually appealing, in general ave a page number,good picture or something widely farmiliar.//disadvantages:
3)pictures married to type:pictures that reinforce the type, words dont cover the important parts of the phot,the words work with the photo,words directly relate to pictures on cover and tell what is inside the magazine,work together to create a visually appealing peice//disadvantages:may not be visually appealing to a large group of target aduience,not as many entry points,limited options,doesnt tell you more about whats inside,could be boring
4)in the forest of words: tells whats in the issue,lots of words,lots of words in headlines sub headline style organization,in a forest of words style the picture isnt the most important part of the cover the words can even cover part of the photo,multiple points of entry//disadvantages: cluttery, focuses on one age group, covers photo and could ruin photography

stuff that should be on my magazine cover
(spring 2010)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

happy akins building

This is my photo that demonstrates happiness at akins high school.This photo is of the teen leadership teacher Mr.Mata in front of the tapestry hanging in his classroom.Since i came to akins he has been the embodiment of happiness, He brings smiles to students' faces every day and i wanted to show a truly happy person.
In my opinion this photo represents buildings.It shows how architects work to make everything in their blueprints exact and when you take a photo it almost looks symetrical on both sides with exception of some parts where it obviously is not and is not meant to be.
In my opinion this photo represents akins.This photo is of the fine arts building and the courtyard from across the campus in a window.Many student who come to akins come for the fine arts.We have an excellent band program and our theatre fairly consistently puts on a good show.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Get Closer
The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close.
Don't be shy. If you approach people in the right way, they'll usually be happy to have their picture made. It's up to you to break the ice and get them to cooperate. Joke around with them. Tell them why you want to make the picture. Practice with people you know so that you are comfortable; people can sense when you aren't.
The Casual Portrait
Wherever you are with your camera, always be on the lookout for those moments when a person's character shines though. If you have a formal portrait session with someone, make some frames of him while he straightens his tie or while she brushes her hair before the formal sitting. Walk back to the car with her and shoot her on the street. If you are on a spring picnic with the family, look for that moment of bliss when your wife leans back, sated, to enjoy the caress of the warm sun. If you're on the street, look for the impatient expression on a pedestrian's face as he waits for the light to change. Always be on the lookout for the telling moment. Every person has a story, and every picture should tell part of that story.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

welcome back

 this is my third favorite photo of 2010. i like how the flames is the sky almost look like the clouds formed a shell around them and they are expanding and shooting out of the cracks of the shell.
 this photo is my second favorite photo of the top left you can see the clear sky throught the water a little bit and you can see where the wane crashed into the water where the cloud in the water is.

this is probably my absolute favorite photo of 2010.i like to play with the shutter on my camera to do stuff like this and see what happens and the product here is reminds me of lava is flowing down the side of a volcano.

     my favorite movie of 2010 was Alice in wonderland. it was funny and very interesting and it put your imagination to work.One quote from the movie i really liked was"you're completely bonkers but then again the best people are." i liked this because i think that the people who are considered completely normal are the weirdest because they all just do what everybody else does and really have no personality.People say I'm strange but i just have a fun personality and i dont just keep to myself.
                       in my opinion tighten up by the black keys was the best song of 2010. it was a well written, fun, and entertainig song.its video was also very entertaining and interesting.

                      The bp oil spill was the most important news story of the year. this caused lots of people who worked in that part of the gulf to lose their jobs.The oil killed thousands of fish and we lost millions of gallons of oil which wont ever be replaced.
                     Seth mcfarlane could be called one of the most influential people of 2010. he has landed three animated shows on fox including the classic family guy,and the newer shows american dad and the cleveland show.He has shown that he is the king of animated comedy.


for Christmas "Santa" bought me a laptop and my mom and dad got me a new long 2011 i have no resolutions, i never do.I'm looking forward to spring break where ill be spending three days in las Vegas and three days snowboarding in Colorado,and this summer were going on a cruise,and i turn 15 this year which means driving school.