Monday, March 21, 2011

Japan earthquake

This photo shows the magnitude of this disaster and the true power of mother nature.Its sad that this person probably wont get a proper burial and these peoples' families could lack closure or be sad that their loved one couldn't receive one because there are so many others that dies alongside their loved one. the photographer used an interesting viewpoint and used the lines of the road to bring attention to the subject and create balance.

This shows how much absolute destruction the people of japan have to see around their own homes. The owner of this building may not be able to get this boat off of it and their livelihood could rely on it and that puts people out of jobs and even more out of homes. the photographer used another elevated viewpoint but this photo probably needed a helicopter to get this elevation.

This shows how lonely these poor people are feeling right now. hundreds of children where orphaned by this disaster and many people have yet to even been found.being an island japan is always isolated but after this many people cant get to japan because the airports are underwater. this photo used the lines of the road to lead you to the girl sitting down.and they created depth in the ruble behind her.

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