Monday, February 14, 2011

elements of yearbooks and notes

coverage of events
credit to photographers in the photo

seperate peice made made out of cardboard
cover is done early commonly finished in october
rest is mid march
"cy the bobcat legacy" it shows something with the mascot and the year
the volume number
the theme is always on the cover
some dont have a defined theme but a design with photos

generalized table of contents
called insheets
thicker paper
theme like the cover
there are quotes from students in pale letters goina across the entire page in a diagnal pattern and it says legacy and 2008-2009
also due early

 first page
it says cy fair 2008-2009 the location of the school the phone numberthe number of students and teachers and the website adress

spread-two pages side by side that work together
in the first spread the yearbook staff ask students what kind of legacy they want to leave at cy fair and each student has a photo

divider page - divide sections from each other
it has a title in large letters showing what the section is

on the last two pages it is like the front where the outside page is blank and the inside is a dedication to seniors
there is a colophon
a special thanks section

back of book:
band group photo
club photos

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