Monday, January 31, 2011

magazine cover types

cover types
1)early magazine covers:often used paintings rather photos
2)the poster cover:very few words not designed to wor with photo,photo is dominant peice,very visually appealing, in general ave a page number,good picture or something widely farmiliar.//disadvantages:
3)pictures married to type:pictures that reinforce the type, words dont cover the important parts of the phot,the words work with the photo,words directly relate to pictures on cover and tell what is inside the magazine,work together to create a visually appealing peice//disadvantages:may not be visually appealing to a large group of target aduience,not as many entry points,limited options,doesnt tell you more about whats inside,could be boring
4)in the forest of words: tells whats in the issue,lots of words,lots of words in headlines sub headline style organization,in a forest of words style the picture isnt the most important part of the cover the words can even cover part of the photo,multiple points of entry//disadvantages: cluttery, focuses on one age group, covers photo and could ruin photography

stuff that should be on my magazine cover
(spring 2010)

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