Thursday, April 7, 2011

5ws 1h assignment

1)who-aisd board
what-budget forum
when-march 30,2011
where-bowie hs
why-to discuss next years public school budget
how-i think that its ridiculous that the supposed most powerful country in the world is struggling for money and i know that the main reason that we dont have enough money for our district is because we make our money on taxes and a good portion of texas' population does not in fact pay but they still receive things for free that are payed for by the taxes they dont pay i think that there needs to be something done before we completely collapse and we arent very far at all at this point its steadily worsening

2)who-randy velarde
what-testifies against former teammate barry bonds
when-trial in progress
where-san francisco
why-steroids are illegal
how-organized by the prosecutors and mlb

3)who-japanese evacuees
what-cant return home for months
when-post tsunami/earthquake
why-natural disaster
how-radiation cusing life near the japanese power plant impossible for a while

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