Thursday, December 9, 2010

what i need to study on the exam

f-stop:The f-stop number is a ratio of the focal length of the lens to the diameter of the aperture. A lens is said to be "wide open" when it's set on its smallest f-stop, or with the aperture opened as wide as possible.

dodging and burning:dodging decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photographer wishes to be lighter, while burning increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker.

safe light:Safelight is a light source suitable for use in a photographic darkroom. It provides illumination without the wavelengths of the light spectrum to which the material in use is sensitive.

single lens reflex:
A single-lens reflex (SLR) camera is a camera that typically uses a semi-automatic moving mirror system that permits the photographer to see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system (after a very small delay), as opposed to pre-SLR cameras where the view through the viewfinder could be significantly different from what was captured on film. (The Canon Pellix film camera was an exception wherein the mirror was a fixed beamsplitting pellicle.)

Films and photo papers contain light-sensitive grains called silver halides. When you develop, the silver halide grains that were struck by light are chemically reduced to black metallic silver. The remaining silver halide grains have to be removed from the material or they'll get dark and ruin your picture. Fixer dissolves the silver halide grains and the water wash which follows removes them so your picture will be permanent.

Read more:

stop bath:Stop bath may contain an indicator, or a chemical which changes color as it is exposed to developer. Indicator stop will go from a bright yellow when mixed to a working solution from concentrate, to clear, then purple-blue when exhausted.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

yearbook vs. newspaper

For the next three years i will probably do yearbook.I want to do yearbook because i always wanted to but never got the chance.In yearbook I'm working all year for one spread while in newspaper i have to write articles and i don't like writing.

Friday, December 3, 2010

abandoned theme parks

The park i would want to visit the most is Takakanonuma greenland in Hobara Japan.This park seems like the terrain would be a fun challenge and the police dont really care if you want to visit it.Since its in the mountains its high in the clouds so the surrounding forrest is very green and lush.The rides are very tall and they all seeem like climbing on them and overlooking the city would be a beautiful sight.
1)abandoned churches
2)abandoned apartments
3)abandoned stadiums
4)abandoned hospitals
5)abandoned prisons
This would be an interesting place to photograph because churches have the best architecture in the world.Theres lots of cool things in churches like instruments and what not stored throughout these buildings.People who dont beleive in religion sometimes go to these old churches and graffiti things in them that are someimes fairly interesting to see.I wouldnt need much except for means of transportation and my camera to go to these places.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

first print

evrything in this photo appears to be in good focus.the colors are contrasted very well and there aren't any kind of defects from the developing process.this photo was taken while the subject student was working and is candid as required.My negatives,print,contact sheet,and test strip are all in my folder.

a student works dilligently on an art project in the fine arts building during first period.She was so focused on her work that she never noticed the two of us taking photos in the classroom.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

ethics in fashion photography

The photographer used a software like photoshop to make her neck appear to be longer and made her eyes bigger.In certain cases it is more acceptable to change a persons appearance like in fashion but for things like makeup and fitness products its not as acceptable because its telling people that thats what the makeup does and it makes you beautiful.Its okay to like move her hair into the right position to improve composition and do minor things like that, but its not okay todo things like fake the results of products. The goal of fashion photography is to produce a perfect photo and be able to sell the product. The goal of photojournalism is to produce the truth and to show what is going on in the world.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

negatives evaluation

I think that all of my photos turned out well.My best negative is the photo in the library of people working on the computers.The light was good and the whole photo is very sharp.The lines of the bookshelves lead you to the people working.

Friday, November 12, 2010

photo ethics

This story is saying that reporters across the world doctor photos to better their composition and cause controversy.Some photos arent really a big deal like when a reporter hid a persons legs in a photo of baseball players praying before a college game, but some are a big deal like when a middle eastern photographer took the two female politicians out of a photo to replace them with men.In some of these photos to bring up ethics is completely unnecessary, but in others ethics are very relevant when doctoring the photo.

This photo could be considered the most unethical.This never happened and holds no truth. people could have formed opinions or thoughts on our ex president solely on this photo.

This photo is the least unethical of the few we saw.All that happened was that someone moved the pyramids closer there was no harm done with this photo to doctor a photo like this is perfectly fine.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

drug cartels in mexico

I think what is happening in juarez is comletely out of control.The government has absolutely no control but only hope that they're not the next to die.At this point the innocent people of mexico need to begin to make a stand and work with the government to bring down the cartel.The cartel doesnt care who they kill they kill anybody and everybody and its ridiculous. They lure teenagers in by promising them money, power, and protection and in Mexico the money and protection are everything because they dont want their family getting hurt."The cartels kill indiscriminately,"

My favorite photo is the one of a mexican SWAT team officer walking down the street. The journalist blurs the background to bring attention to the officers eyes.You can see even when he is simply walking down the street he is completely alert in fear of the cartel.This only proves that the cartel plans killings but they will always kill on sight and that is what keeps the innocent people of mexico in fear.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

post shoot reflection

1)My challenge was not having any true zoom on the lens and not being able to get action due to the fact it is a film camera.My other challenge was not knowing what my photo looked like after it was shot.
2)Focus was a big deal for me when shooting.Ialways made sure there was little to no blur in my photo.
3)I used my favorite rule of composition in shooting which is the rule of thirds.
4)I would make sure to be better on choosing the correct aperature size.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Running water
Chemical Manufacturer Specification sheets
Place where you can mix liquids
Measuring Beakers or Graduates
Very accurate thermometer, and possibly a method of Temperature control
Stir sticks
Maybe a water filter
Storage Bottles Developer
Stop Bath
chemicals:(precision camera)
Stop Bath

process:Take film, bottle opener, scissors, developing tank and reels into a lightproof room.Organize the materials on a table.Turn off the light.Open the film canister at either end with the bottle opener.Take the film out of the canister and cut off the tab at the end to create a straight edge.Insert the edge into the clip at the center of the reel.Thread the film between the wire spiral on the top and bottom of the reel.
Pull the end of the film off the spool and remove the tape.Drop the loaded reel into the developing tank and secure the lid.Turn the light back on.Remove the top lid from the developing tank.
Mix chemicals according to directions. Keep the chemicals in collapsible storage containers.Pour 8 oz. developer into the top of the tank when using an 8-oz. developing tank.Tap the tank against the counter to dislodge bubbles.Agitate the tank by slowly inverting it and turning it back over for the first 15 seconds.Repeat every 30 seconds for the recommended time (usually 5 to 8 minutes).Pour the developer back into the storage container.Pour stop bath into the now-empty developing tank.Agitate the stop bath and let stand for 1 minute.Pour out the stop bath and replace with fixer.Agitate the fixer for 15 seconds and then for 15 seconds once every minute for the allotted time.Pour the fixer back into its bottle.Remove the lid of the tank and run water into the tank for 15 minutes.Add wetting agent to the water to expedite drying.Remove the film from the tank.Attach a clip to the end of the film, pull the film off the reel and attach another clip at the opposite end.Hang the film in a dry, dust-free area.Store dry negatives in plastic negative sleeves
Read more: How to Develop Black-and-White Film |

film development equipment





Thursday, October 28, 2010


Friday, October 26, 2007
Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia
Friday, October 26, 2007
Slice of Heaven
Judges rate Alpine cheese in Oberstdorf, Germany. Jury members at the 5th Alpine Cheese Olympics rated over 700 kinds of Alpine cheese from all over the world.
Mad As Hell
People line up along the windows of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization headquarters in Rome to film a television commercial for the "1 Billion Hungry" project.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

contests preview

This photo is powerful because it uses the shadows to make it more like only a silhouette of a person.It also uses the lines of the tracks and the yellow warning line to lead you to this person.The photographer used the foggy sky to blur out the skyline and make a simple background.

Funny captions

Brought new meaning to her name.

Took a while to design the laptop.

Just lost all of their business from nerds.

Friday, October 15, 2010

marlboro marine

The fact that the photographer has Blake millers voice in the background of his slide show adds power because you cant see false expressions on his face but only hear the pain in his voice.The most powerful photo is a photo of his face when he is back home and you can see the true emotions he is going through after his return.The slow music keeps the tone of bad feelings  and emotional scarring. The sequence of photos when he is home after being married is very powerful.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

great b&w photographers pt.3

Harry Callahan
1)I see a busy street like a market of some sort.This looks to be a parking lot and these people are walking between stores.I see how he moved the camera when the shutter was open and the outlines of the cars moved.
2)I hear cars driving and horns beeping.i hear the buzz of people talking.Ihear the click clack of loud shoes on the sidewalk.The sound of jazz at a local cafe.
3)I smell the smell of car exhaust in the air.The smell of a womans perfume as she walks by on the sidewalk.The smell of fresh food as i walk by a cafe.
4)I feel the cold steel of a car on my fingers.The warm food at a cafe.The warmth of the sun on my face.
5)I taste warm bagels from the local downtown bakery.I taste the pollution in the air on the streets.

1)I feel the fold snow chilling my feet and boots.I feel the smooth tree's trunk.I feel the freezing wind in my face.
2)i taste the cold snow falling on my tongue.I taste the hot chocolate i am drinking.
3)I hear the crunch of the snow beneath my feet.I hear the snow blowing in the trees.I hear cars driving by as i snap the photo.
4)I smell the car exaust in the chicago air.I smell the sap from the trees.I smell my hot chocolate.
5)I see the snowflakes steadily falling from the sky.I see the trees standing so barren in the chicago winter.I see my footprints in the snow when I look behind myself.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

academics preview

                                                                           best story
this photo tells a good story because it shows the band performing at a show and  it informs you about what is goin on
most interesting stuff
this photo is interesting because it shows a great drawing and on to of that it shows his whole workstation and the focus on his face is shown in the mirror .                                                                                                                                   
                                                                   action or emotion
  this photo has good has good emotion because it shows the care in the eyes of the guy for this little girl.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

10 rules of photography







leading lines

avoid mergers




Thursday, September 23, 2010

pinhole finale

when i made a positive from a negative the photo was reversed and whatever was black went white and what was white went black. when i say it was reveresed the shrubs went from one side of the photo to the other.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

photo composition

1)simplicity-keep a simple background to emphasize the subject.
2)the rule of thirds- divide your picture into thirds horizontally and vertically the four intersections are places to put the subject this has the subject in the top right intersection.
3)lines-lines are powerful you can use repeating lines to bring attention to the subject
4)balance- don't keep all of the subject on one side of the photo.
5)framing-use the foreground to frame the subject
6)avoid mergers- avoid having things too close to a subject.
ex)having a girl hold a beach ball too close to her face would break this rule

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1)viewfinder-the viewfinder is where the photographer looks to see what he/she is taking a photo of.
2)parralax-is an apparent displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.
3)lens-a piece of glass used to focus and zoom
4)pentaprism-A pentaprism is a five-sided reflecting prism used to deviate a beam of light by 90°.
aperture-an opening that limits the amount of light let in

shutter-a mechanical device for opening and closing the aperture

exposure-the total amount of light received by a photosensitive surface or an area of such a surface, expressed as the product of the degree of illumination and the period of illumination.

depth of field-the range of distances along the axis of an optical instrument, usually a camera lens, through which an object will produce a relatively distinct image.

F-stop-the setting of an adjustable lens apereture, as indicated by an f number

focal length-the distance from a focal point of a lens or mirror to the corresponding principal plane

Thursday, September 2, 2010

my first photos

this is my bad photo. this photo isn't very good for many reason is that the camera is crooked.the photo is not sharp. there is blur on just the person in this photo.

this is my good photo.i live this photo because it is very clear and sharp.the camera is very flat and level in this photo.this photo shows good perspective with the whole classroom in view.

pinhole like and dislike

this is the pinhole photo that i do like.1)i like the angle the photographer took in this shows the size and curves of the monument. 2)this photo is very clear and detailed with no people or action. 3)this photo is very sharp. 4)i don't notice any kind of warping and is an overall great photo.
1)i don't like the way this photo is so close and blurry this is why i don't like the photo. 2)there is a person is the photo and there is a blur everywhere. 3)this photo is soft and detail is not easily seen 4) in my opinion this photo doesn't seem to be warped