Wednesday, November 10, 2010

drug cartels in mexico

I think what is happening in juarez is comletely out of control.The government has absolutely no control but only hope that they're not the next to die.At this point the innocent people of mexico need to begin to make a stand and work with the government to bring down the cartel.The cartel doesnt care who they kill they kill anybody and everybody and its ridiculous. They lure teenagers in by promising them money, power, and protection and in Mexico the money and protection are everything because they dont want their family getting hurt."The cartels kill indiscriminately,"

My favorite photo is the one of a mexican SWAT team officer walking down the street. The journalist blurs the background to bring attention to the officers eyes.You can see even when he is simply walking down the street he is completely alert in fear of the cartel.This only proves that the cartel plans killings but they will always kill on sight and that is what keeps the innocent people of mexico in fear.

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