Friday, December 3, 2010

abandoned theme parks

The park i would want to visit the most is Takakanonuma greenland in Hobara Japan.This park seems like the terrain would be a fun challenge and the police dont really care if you want to visit it.Since its in the mountains its high in the clouds so the surrounding forrest is very green and lush.The rides are very tall and they all seeem like climbing on them and overlooking the city would be a beautiful sight.
1)abandoned churches
2)abandoned apartments
3)abandoned stadiums
4)abandoned hospitals
5)abandoned prisons
This would be an interesting place to photograph because churches have the best architecture in the world.Theres lots of cool things in churches like instruments and what not stored throughout these buildings.People who dont beleive in religion sometimes go to these old churches and graffiti things in them that are someimes fairly interesting to see.I wouldnt need much except for means of transportation and my camera to go to these places.

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