Monday, January 31, 2011

magazine cover types

cover types
1)early magazine covers:often used paintings rather photos
2)the poster cover:very few words not designed to wor with photo,photo is dominant peice,very visually appealing, in general ave a page number,good picture or something widely farmiliar.//disadvantages:
3)pictures married to type:pictures that reinforce the type, words dont cover the important parts of the phot,the words work with the photo,words directly relate to pictures on cover and tell what is inside the magazine,work together to create a visually appealing peice//disadvantages:may not be visually appealing to a large group of target aduience,not as many entry points,limited options,doesnt tell you more about whats inside,could be boring
4)in the forest of words: tells whats in the issue,lots of words,lots of words in headlines sub headline style organization,in a forest of words style the picture isnt the most important part of the cover the words can even cover part of the photo,multiple points of entry//disadvantages: cluttery, focuses on one age group, covers photo and could ruin photography

stuff that should be on my magazine cover
(spring 2010)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

happy akins building

This is my photo that demonstrates happiness at akins high school.This photo is of the teen leadership teacher Mr.Mata in front of the tapestry hanging in his classroom.Since i came to akins he has been the embodiment of happiness, He brings smiles to students' faces every day and i wanted to show a truly happy person.
In my opinion this photo represents buildings.It shows how architects work to make everything in their blueprints exact and when you take a photo it almost looks symetrical on both sides with exception of some parts where it obviously is not and is not meant to be.
In my opinion this photo represents akins.This photo is of the fine arts building and the courtyard from across the campus in a window.Many student who come to akins come for the fine arts.We have an excellent band program and our theatre fairly consistently puts on a good show.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Get Closer
The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close.
Don't be shy. If you approach people in the right way, they'll usually be happy to have their picture made. It's up to you to break the ice and get them to cooperate. Joke around with them. Tell them why you want to make the picture. Practice with people you know so that you are comfortable; people can sense when you aren't.
The Casual Portrait
Wherever you are with your camera, always be on the lookout for those moments when a person's character shines though. If you have a formal portrait session with someone, make some frames of him while he straightens his tie or while she brushes her hair before the formal sitting. Walk back to the car with her and shoot her on the street. If you are on a spring picnic with the family, look for that moment of bliss when your wife leans back, sated, to enjoy the caress of the warm sun. If you're on the street, look for the impatient expression on a pedestrian's face as he waits for the light to change. Always be on the lookout for the telling moment. Every person has a story, and every picture should tell part of that story.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

welcome back

 this is my third favorite photo of 2010. i like how the flames is the sky almost look like the clouds formed a shell around them and they are expanding and shooting out of the cracks of the shell.
 this photo is my second favorite photo of the top left you can see the clear sky throught the water a little bit and you can see where the wane crashed into the water where the cloud in the water is.

this is probably my absolute favorite photo of 2010.i like to play with the shutter on my camera to do stuff like this and see what happens and the product here is reminds me of lava is flowing down the side of a volcano.

     my favorite movie of 2010 was Alice in wonderland. it was funny and very interesting and it put your imagination to work.One quote from the movie i really liked was"you're completely bonkers but then again the best people are." i liked this because i think that the people who are considered completely normal are the weirdest because they all just do what everybody else does and really have no personality.People say I'm strange but i just have a fun personality and i dont just keep to myself.
                       in my opinion tighten up by the black keys was the best song of 2010. it was a well written, fun, and entertainig song.its video was also very entertaining and interesting.

                      The bp oil spill was the most important news story of the year. this caused lots of people who worked in that part of the gulf to lose their jobs.The oil killed thousands of fish and we lost millions of gallons of oil which wont ever be replaced.
                     Seth mcfarlane could be called one of the most influential people of 2010. he has landed three animated shows on fox including the classic family guy,and the newer shows american dad and the cleveland show.He has shown that he is the king of animated comedy.


for Christmas "Santa" bought me a laptop and my mom and dad got me a new long 2011 i have no resolutions, i never do.I'm looking forward to spring break where ill be spending three days in las Vegas and three days snowboarding in Colorado,and this summer were going on a cruise,and i turn 15 this year which means driving school.