Thursday, November 18, 2010

ethics in fashion photography

The photographer used a software like photoshop to make her neck appear to be longer and made her eyes bigger.In certain cases it is more acceptable to change a persons appearance like in fashion but for things like makeup and fitness products its not as acceptable because its telling people that thats what the makeup does and it makes you beautiful.Its okay to like move her hair into the right position to improve composition and do minor things like that, but its not okay todo things like fake the results of products. The goal of fashion photography is to produce a perfect photo and be able to sell the product. The goal of photojournalism is to produce the truth and to show what is going on in the world.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

negatives evaluation

I think that all of my photos turned out well.My best negative is the photo in the library of people working on the computers.The light was good and the whole photo is very sharp.The lines of the bookshelves lead you to the people working.

Friday, November 12, 2010

photo ethics

This story is saying that reporters across the world doctor photos to better their composition and cause controversy.Some photos arent really a big deal like when a reporter hid a persons legs in a photo of baseball players praying before a college game, but some are a big deal like when a middle eastern photographer took the two female politicians out of a photo to replace them with men.In some of these photos to bring up ethics is completely unnecessary, but in others ethics are very relevant when doctoring the photo.

This photo could be considered the most unethical.This never happened and holds no truth. people could have formed opinions or thoughts on our ex president solely on this photo.

This photo is the least unethical of the few we saw.All that happened was that someone moved the pyramids closer there was no harm done with this photo to doctor a photo like this is perfectly fine.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

drug cartels in mexico

I think what is happening in juarez is comletely out of control.The government has absolutely no control but only hope that they're not the next to die.At this point the innocent people of mexico need to begin to make a stand and work with the government to bring down the cartel.The cartel doesnt care who they kill they kill anybody and everybody and its ridiculous. They lure teenagers in by promising them money, power, and protection and in Mexico the money and protection are everything because they dont want their family getting hurt."The cartels kill indiscriminately,"

My favorite photo is the one of a mexican SWAT team officer walking down the street. The journalist blurs the background to bring attention to the officers eyes.You can see even when he is simply walking down the street he is completely alert in fear of the cartel.This only proves that the cartel plans killings but they will always kill on sight and that is what keeps the innocent people of mexico in fear.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

post shoot reflection

1)My challenge was not having any true zoom on the lens and not being able to get action due to the fact it is a film camera.My other challenge was not knowing what my photo looked like after it was shot.
2)Focus was a big deal for me when shooting.Ialways made sure there was little to no blur in my photo.
3)I used my favorite rule of composition in shooting which is the rule of thirds.
4)I would make sure to be better on choosing the correct aperature size.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Running water
Chemical Manufacturer Specification sheets
Place where you can mix liquids
Measuring Beakers or Graduates
Very accurate thermometer, and possibly a method of Temperature control
Stir sticks
Maybe a water filter
Storage Bottles Developer
Stop Bath
chemicals:(precision camera)
Stop Bath

process:Take film, bottle opener, scissors, developing tank and reels into a lightproof room.Organize the materials on a table.Turn off the light.Open the film canister at either end with the bottle opener.Take the film out of the canister and cut off the tab at the end to create a straight edge.Insert the edge into the clip at the center of the reel.Thread the film between the wire spiral on the top and bottom of the reel.
Pull the end of the film off the spool and remove the tape.Drop the loaded reel into the developing tank and secure the lid.Turn the light back on.Remove the top lid from the developing tank.
Mix chemicals according to directions. Keep the chemicals in collapsible storage containers.Pour 8 oz. developer into the top of the tank when using an 8-oz. developing tank.Tap the tank against the counter to dislodge bubbles.Agitate the tank by slowly inverting it and turning it back over for the first 15 seconds.Repeat every 30 seconds for the recommended time (usually 5 to 8 minutes).Pour the developer back into the storage container.Pour stop bath into the now-empty developing tank.Agitate the stop bath and let stand for 1 minute.Pour out the stop bath and replace with fixer.Agitate the fixer for 15 seconds and then for 15 seconds once every minute for the allotted time.Pour the fixer back into its bottle.Remove the lid of the tank and run water into the tank for 15 minutes.Add wetting agent to the water to expedite drying.Remove the film from the tank.Attach a clip to the end of the film, pull the film off the reel and attach another clip at the opposite end.Hang the film in a dry, dust-free area.Store dry negatives in plastic negative sleeves
Read more: How to Develop Black-and-White Film |

film development equipment