Thursday, December 9, 2010

what i need to study on the exam

f-stop:The f-stop number is a ratio of the focal length of the lens to the diameter of the aperture. A lens is said to be "wide open" when it's set on its smallest f-stop, or with the aperture opened as wide as possible.

dodging and burning:dodging decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photographer wishes to be lighter, while burning increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker.

safe light:Safelight is a light source suitable for use in a photographic darkroom. It provides illumination without the wavelengths of the light spectrum to which the material in use is sensitive.

single lens reflex:
A single-lens reflex (SLR) camera is a camera that typically uses a semi-automatic moving mirror system that permits the photographer to see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system (after a very small delay), as opposed to pre-SLR cameras where the view through the viewfinder could be significantly different from what was captured on film. (The Canon Pellix film camera was an exception wherein the mirror was a fixed beamsplitting pellicle.)

Films and photo papers contain light-sensitive grains called silver halides. When you develop, the silver halide grains that were struck by light are chemically reduced to black metallic silver. The remaining silver halide grains have to be removed from the material or they'll get dark and ruin your picture. Fixer dissolves the silver halide grains and the water wash which follows removes them so your picture will be permanent.

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stop bath:Stop bath may contain an indicator, or a chemical which changes color as it is exposed to developer. Indicator stop will go from a bright yellow when mixed to a working solution from concentrate, to clear, then purple-blue when exhausted.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

yearbook vs. newspaper

For the next three years i will probably do yearbook.I want to do yearbook because i always wanted to but never got the chance.In yearbook I'm working all year for one spread while in newspaper i have to write articles and i don't like writing.

Friday, December 3, 2010

abandoned theme parks

The park i would want to visit the most is Takakanonuma greenland in Hobara Japan.This park seems like the terrain would be a fun challenge and the police dont really care if you want to visit it.Since its in the mountains its high in the clouds so the surrounding forrest is very green and lush.The rides are very tall and they all seeem like climbing on them and overlooking the city would be a beautiful sight.
1)abandoned churches
2)abandoned apartments
3)abandoned stadiums
4)abandoned hospitals
5)abandoned prisons
This would be an interesting place to photograph because churches have the best architecture in the world.Theres lots of cool things in churches like instruments and what not stored throughout these buildings.People who dont beleive in religion sometimes go to these old churches and graffiti things in them that are someimes fairly interesting to see.I wouldnt need much except for means of transportation and my camera to go to these places.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

first print

evrything in this photo appears to be in good focus.the colors are contrasted very well and there aren't any kind of defects from the developing process.this photo was taken while the subject student was working and is candid as required.My negatives,print,contact sheet,and test strip are all in my folder.

a student works dilligently on an art project in the fine arts building during first period.She was so focused on her work that she never noticed the two of us taking photos in the classroom.