Wednesday, September 29, 2010

10 rules of photography







leading lines

avoid mergers




Thursday, September 23, 2010

pinhole finale

when i made a positive from a negative the photo was reversed and whatever was black went white and what was white went black. when i say it was reveresed the shrubs went from one side of the photo to the other.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

photo composition

1)simplicity-keep a simple background to emphasize the subject.
2)the rule of thirds- divide your picture into thirds horizontally and vertically the four intersections are places to put the subject this has the subject in the top right intersection.
3)lines-lines are powerful you can use repeating lines to bring attention to the subject
4)balance- don't keep all of the subject on one side of the photo.
5)framing-use the foreground to frame the subject
6)avoid mergers- avoid having things too close to a subject.
ex)having a girl hold a beach ball too close to her face would break this rule

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1)viewfinder-the viewfinder is where the photographer looks to see what he/she is taking a photo of.
2)parralax-is an apparent displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.
3)lens-a piece of glass used to focus and zoom
4)pentaprism-A pentaprism is a five-sided reflecting prism used to deviate a beam of light by 90°.
aperture-an opening that limits the amount of light let in

shutter-a mechanical device for opening and closing the aperture

exposure-the total amount of light received by a photosensitive surface or an area of such a surface, expressed as the product of the degree of illumination and the period of illumination.

depth of field-the range of distances along the axis of an optical instrument, usually a camera lens, through which an object will produce a relatively distinct image.

F-stop-the setting of an adjustable lens apereture, as indicated by an f number

focal length-the distance from a focal point of a lens or mirror to the corresponding principal plane

Thursday, September 2, 2010

my first photos

this is my bad photo. this photo isn't very good for many reason is that the camera is crooked.the photo is not sharp. there is blur on just the person in this photo.

this is my good photo.i live this photo because it is very clear and sharp.the camera is very flat and level in this photo.this photo shows good perspective with the whole classroom in view.

pinhole like and dislike

this is the pinhole photo that i do like.1)i like the angle the photographer took in this shows the size and curves of the monument. 2)this photo is very clear and detailed with no people or action. 3)this photo is very sharp. 4)i don't notice any kind of warping and is an overall great photo.
1)i don't like the way this photo is so close and blurry this is why i don't like the photo. 2)there is a person is the photo and there is a blur everywhere. 3)this photo is soft and detail is not easily seen 4) in my opinion this photo doesn't seem to be warped